#BringBackOurGirls: Looking Back, Looking Forward
As the year ends, I look back and wonder where all the time went. I wasn't able to accomplish much work-life balance this year because I became involved in the #BringBackOurGirls movement and led the establishment of #BringBackOurGirlsNYC. I wrote most of this blog on a sleepless night in August this year, in a long email to a friend. It remains relevant, particularly because it reflects the issue that has embroiled my life all year long. Nigeria is squandering her people with wanton abandonment. Why do we not feel ashamed to say that we have the largest economy in Africa when we don't even have a decent healthcare system? Why do our political class and elites flaunt their ability to go for medical treatment abroad and they don't realize that the lack of decent care at home reflects poorly on them, plus they are playing "Russian roulette" with their lives since they could die from very preventable and treatable conditions? Why do we have decayed infrastru