#BringBackOurGirlsNYC Statement: New “Proof of Life” Video on Our #ChibokGirls
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Mojúbàolú Olufúnké Okome mojubaolu@gmail.com (718) 951-5000 x 1742 NYC Monday 15th August 2016 Yesterday, on Day 853 after the abduction of our #ChibokGirls, a new “proof of life” video about our #Chibokgirls was in circulation, broadly disseminated and widely commented upon in the media. It is heartrending that these young women have been in captivity for so long in the hands of brutal, violent insurgents who are determined to use them as bargaining chips for their diabolical power-seeking agenda. It is unfortunate that our #Chibokgirls have been left at the mercy of their abductors for 854 days today. We are saddened and disheartened that our #Chibokgirls families and loved ones have had to cope for so long with their absence. Nonetheless, we are determined to be hopeful that our #Chibokgirls and all other abducted Nigerians, particularly the girls, boys, and women will all be rescued and reunited with their families by the Nigeri